6 research outputs found

    LQR Control with Sparse Adversarial Disturbances

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    Recent developments in cyber-physical systems and event-triggered control have led to an increased interest in the impact of sparse disturbances on dynamical processes. We study Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) control under sparse disturbances by analyzing three distinct policies: the blind online policy, the disturbance-aware policy, and the optimal offline policy. We derive the two-dimensional recurrence structure of the optimal disturbance-aware policy, under the assumption that the controller has information about future disturbance values with only a probabilistic model of their locations in time. Under mild conditions, we show that the disturbance-aware policy converges to the blind online policy if the number of disturbances grows sublinearly in the time horizon. Finally, we provide a finite-horizon regret bound between the blind online policy and optimal offline policy, which is proven to be quadratic in the number of disturbances and in their magnitude. This provides a useful characterization of the suboptimality of a standard LQR controller when confronted with unexpected sparse perturbations.Comment: 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro

    Projected Randomized Smoothing for Certified Adversarial Robustness

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    Randomized smoothing is the current state-of-the-art method for producing provably robust classifiers. While randomized smoothing typically yields robust ℓ2\ell_2-ball certificates, recent research has generalized provable robustness to different norm balls as well as anisotropic regions. This work considers a classifier architecture that first projects onto a low-dimensional approximation of the data manifold and then applies a standard classifier. By performing randomized smoothing in the low-dimensional projected space, we characterize the certified region of our smoothed composite classifier back in the high-dimensional input space and prove a tractable lower bound on its volume. We show experimentally on CIFAR-10 and SVHN that classifiers without the initial projection are vulnerable to perturbations that are normal to the data manifold and yet are captured by the certified regions of our method. We compare the volume of our certified regions against various baselines and show that our method improves on the state-of-the-art by many orders of magnitude.Comment: Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 202

    Initial State Interventions for Deconfounded Imitation Learning

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    Imitation learning suffers from causal confusion. This phenomenon occurs when learned policies attend to features that do not causally influence the expert actions but are instead spuriously correlated. Causally confused agents produce low open-loop supervised loss but poor closed-loop performance upon deployment. We consider the problem of masking observed confounders in a disentangled representation of the observation space. Our novel masking algorithm leverages the usual ability to intervene in the initial system state, avoiding any requirement involving expert querying, expert reward functions, or causal graph specification. Under certain assumptions, we theoretically prove that this algorithm is conservative in the sense that it does not incorrectly mask observations that causally influence the expert; furthermore, intervening on the initial state serves to strictly reduce excess conservatism. The masking algorithm is applied to behavior cloning for two illustrative control systems: CartPole and Reacher.Comment: 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro

    Asymmetric Certified Robustness via Feature-Convex Neural Networks

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    Recent works have introduced input-convex neural networks (ICNNs) as learning models with advantageous training, inference, and generalization properties linked to their convex structure. In this paper, we propose a novel feature-convex neural network architecture as the composition of an ICNN with a Lipschitz feature map in order to achieve adversarial robustness. We consider the asymmetric binary classification setting with one "sensitive" class, and for this class we prove deterministic, closed-form, and easily-computable certified robust radii for arbitrary ℓp\ell_p-norms. We theoretically justify the use of these models by characterizing their decision region geometry, extending the universal approximation theorem for ICNN regression to the classification setting, and proving a lower bound on the probability that such models perfectly fit even unstructured uniformly distributed data in sufficiently high dimensions. Experiments on Malimg malware classification and subsets of MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and CIFAR-10 datasets show that feature-convex classifiers attain state-of-the-art certified ℓ1\ell_1-radii as well as substantial ℓ2\ell_2- and ℓ∞\ell_{\infty}-radii while being far more computationally efficient than any competitive baseline.Comment: 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023


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